Shiatsu - An Ancient Healing Technique

Shiatsu - An Ancient Healing Technique

Let's start by looking at the Japanese first books that gave rise to the name we know today as Shiatsu, Tenpeki Tamai. It translates to "finger pressure". The title of the cover is Shiatsu ho (1920), which is translated as: "finger pressure." The contents table reads: Index, Contents. Introduction.  출장안마 Chapter I. Section 1. Section 3. Part I. Part II. Recommendations. On first glance at the table of contents, it appears as if Tenpeki Tamai is a simple book that is nothing more than a series of finger pointing exercises but in fact, there are twenty-one chapters that deal with the entirety of Shiatsu treatment that is both physical and mental. The first chapter actually begins with a discussion of the history behind Shiatsu and Tenpeki Tamai is actually a part of a tradition of Japanese massage known as Hochi which is also known as warm baths.

This chapter begins by introducing Shiatsu. The next chapters focus on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Western Traditional Chinese Medicine (WTCM), the history and development of Shiatsu in China along with descriptions and explanations of Shiatsu practitioners and an overview of how to use Shiatsu. The book closes with suggestions for further study on Shiatsu. Pages 5 to 8 discuss topics like the relief of pain, the symptoms of disease, how to locate a qualified therapist, and treating arthritis. Then there are many short stories that relate different aspects of Shiatsu to include "My Souse,"" "Out of the Silent Light,"" "Shiatsu for Seniors" and "The The Ancient Healer."

The pages of this book have been written in Chinese. If you are competent enough to translate them can discover some significance. Shiatsu techniques were probably not known to westerners at the time when they were not well-read. It is also fascinating because it demonstrates the extent to which Shiatsu is spreading over time from China into Japan, Korea and other East Asian countries. Although the technique is an ancestor of acupuncture Shiatsu differs from acupuncture in that acupuncture was thought to be an older form of medicine. Westerners may say the exact that they do, however Shiatsu is completely different.

Shiatsu is a variation of massage. It has a lot in common to other forms of oriental therapy. It's not surgical however, and that's the reason it is different. Shiatsu isn't like Chinese medicine, which makes use of the acupuncture method to treat patients. Instead, it uses pressure points that are located along the pathways of energy. This differs from Chinese acupuncture that makes use of needles to stimulate the points along the energy pathway.

Shiatsu is gaining in popularity across the world, however in Japan this is still a fairly new practice. It is a sign that there is not much scientific study of the technique of Shiatsu. Some people do say that there is merit to the practice due to the fact that it relieves pain. Its ability to alleviate pain, however, it does not mean that it's not purely a therapy technique as most of the modern-day hospitals make use of it to relieve pain. Actually, it's only recently that massage chairs began to integrate Shiatsu massage into their plans. To help reduce swelling, massage chairs currently include Shiatsu.

Many scientific articles are available online that prove the effectiveness of Shiatsu as a method of therapy. It claims to alleviate pain by targeting muscles spasms. This therapy can also be used to relieve migraine pain and back pain. The American Physician's Association as well as the American Council for Exercise Professionals have acknowledged the practice and are currently conducting research on its effectiveness.  출장안마 These scientific articles further support the concept that Shiatsu could be considered to be as a legitimate alternative to medicine.

Shiatsu is also used for treating severe cases of rheumatoidarthritis, osteoarthritis, tendonitis and other musculoskeletal issues. Many japanese magazines focus on the therapeutic advantages of shiatsu. There are also fitness magazines that discuss the increased popularity of shiatsu in the Japanese public. The majority of these articles mention the increasing number of customers who have been adding shiatsu sessions to their fitness routines. A Japanese television show demonstrates how beneficial shiatsu can be for health.

Shiatsu is a popular practice in Japan and is becoming more popular in the West too. This is in no small part because it is considered to be an effective therapeutic technique. As more studies are conducted and events are held to prove or disprove the benefits of Shiatsu, there is likely to be a growing demand for professionals who can perform this ancient healing technique. People who decide to be Shiatsu Therapists will not only be trained in the healing of their clients but will also learn about the philosophy behind traditional Japanese medicine. Shiatsu is moving into the mainstream and is likely to remain popular in the coming years.